More than just logistics!
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DAS GLOBAL LOGISTIK provides a full set of transport and logistics services, including customs clearance and customs brokerage services for various business areas and industries. In our work, we implement principles of optimisation of transportation and customs clearance processes, control over quality, delivery terms and feasibility of logistics operations, we strictly follow norms and regulations of the Russian and international law.
- Satisfaction of the market needs for quality services in full and in time;
- Analysis of our activity and improvement of quality management system;
- Optimum level of expenses and maximum level of workflow transparency;
- Development of a system dedicated to creation of a team of professionals;
- Provision of the best conditions for highly effective work and opportunities for professional and personal development;
- Establishment of a highly manageable company focused on earning its revenue through a high level of operation.
- Increase the quality of client service and information exchange;
- Ensure mutually advantageous cooperation on all stages of business operation;
- Expand our client base through development of niche strategy;
- Engage new partners to widen up the spectrum of our services;
- Raise efficiency of resource application to a maximum level;
- Increase competitiveness of our services and ensure promotion on target markets;
- Provide for transparency of the workflow in terms of transport logistics, customs clearance and foreign trade activities;
- Implement state-of-the-art technologies to shorten the period of information transfer and processing;
- Gain a high level of professionalism, awareness, benevolence and involvement of our personnel.
We consider the quality of our services and logistics processes as a major condition for winning the transport and logistics market, meeting the needs of our clients, ensuring the stability of our development and improvement of human resources potential, as well as building reliable and stable relations with our partners.
Our major task is to create a fundamental competitive advantage to our clients through optimisation of their logistics expenses by expanding the geography of our operations and presence on the freight market, ensuring proper and timely reaction to any changes on transport and logistics market in any region.
We have several years of advanced experience in providing transport, logistics, customs clearance services, and carrying out foreign trade activity. A good command of Russian and international norms and regulations in this sphere provide for the successful realisation of the most difficult and large-scale projects.
DAS GLOBAL LOGISTIK management is responsible for implementation of this Policy, as well as for ensuring that all company employees fully understand and support it.
Health and Safety Policy
DAS GLOBAL LOGISTIK is taking care of its employees and always follows the Health and Safety Policy aimed at ensuring safety of our personnel, quality of the workflow, and reliability of our company; the Policy was developed based on legal norms and regulations encompassing both the state health and safety requirements and intraindustry rules on labour safety.
Our Goals:
- Maintenance of the required level of health and safety;
- Mitigation of level of risk during operations;
- Maintenance of working conditions in line with health and safety regulations;
- Support of environmental safety;
- The increase in quality of work and reliability of operations.
Our basic principles::
- Health and safety for all our employees by preventing accidents and professional diseases during work;
- Maintenance of laws, norms and regulations, as well as any other health and safety documents, health and safety collective agreements and other requirements we take to fulfil;
- Consultations for the employees and their engagement in active participation in the implementation of health and safety management system;
- Continuous improvement of health and safety management system;
- Corporate and behavioural culture in the company.
Anti-Corruption Policy
DAS GLOBAL LOGISTIK Anti-Corruption Policy has its aim to, first of all, eliminate such workflow and operations in the company activity that may provide our employees with an opportunity to commit corruption either for personal advantage or for the company benefit.
Our major goals:
- Elimination of any risk of involvement of the company management or its employees in any corruption offence irrespective of their position;
- Clear and uniform understanding of the company Policy against corruption in any forms by our counterparts, agents and other persons;
- Transparency of the workflow in terms of transport logistics, customs clearance and foreign trade activities;
- Summary and explanation of major regulations of the anti-corruption legislation of the Russian Federation to be applied to the company and its employees;
- Compliance with major principles and norms of the anti-corruption legislation.
DAS GLOBAL LOGISTIK only works with partners that never allow any fraud, corruption, bribery, anticompetitive behaviour or any other abuse in any form or expression in their activity. The company undertakes to strictly follow all anti-corruption requirements of the Russian legislation.
Environmental Safety Policy
Environmental safety is a vital part of DAS GLOBAL LOGISTIK's corporate culture. We are consistently striving to increase our activities in environment protection and safety. Our major goal is to carry out our activity taking into account the environmental regulations and interests of the regions we operate in.
Our Principles:
- Compliance with environmental safety regulations and other statutory requirements applicable to the company activity;
- Conformity of all aspects of the company business activity with the environmental safety laws and state policy in this area;
- Implementation of environment-friendly, cost-effective, low- and no-waste world-class technologies;
- Decrease in level of negative impact on the environment caused by our activity;
- Efficient use of natural resources in our activity;
- Relevant qualification of our employees to be ensured by raising awareness and implementing system approach to improvement of ecological education and culture;
- Encouragement of responsible environment-friendly behaviour among our employees and contractors;
- Integration of environment protection issues into all aspects of our activity;
- The performance of relevant analysis and assessment of the work done in order to define the results reached and ensure compliance with the Environmental Safety Policy principles.
We take certain commitments and carry out all necessary actions to prevent any possible negative impact and protect the environment, that including continuous improvement of operational processes and conditions for our partners and employees.
Fair Cooperation
DAS GLOBAL LOGISTIK sees compliance of its business partners with its major values and principles as an important element for maintenance and improvement of the company reputation.
We define the following core values: transparency, efficiency, responsibility and continuity. All participants on the logistics market should follow equal ethical values and principles and maintain mutual cooperation on the basis of fair cooperation.
Our basic principles:
- Total elimination of hidden or illegal deals or cooperation;
- Full transparency of our financial activity;
- Operational integrity and openness of our business relations;
- Fairness of decisions;
- Business reputation over profit.
We were able to establish a fair environment between our employees, clients, and suppliers; we provide only true and reliable information.
DAS GLOBAL LOGISTIK only picks up those partners that we believe follow the rules of fair competition in their activities and never create situations providing opportunities in favour of any specific partners.
Компания ДАС ГЛОБАЛ ЛОДЖИСТИК обеспечивает сотрудникам и партнерам по бизнесу надежную и недискриминирующую рабочую среду, поддерживая честную коммерческую практику и соблюдая правила честной конкуренции.
DAS GLOBAL LOGISTIK ensures a reliable non-discriminating environment for its employees and business partners, we support fair competition and follow the rules of fair business.Such fair cooperation serves for a favourable environment in all aspects of logistics business. Compliance with major principles of fair cooperation provides for effective realisation of our general business development strategy.
For more detailed information and to have a professional consultation please call + 7 (495) 795 04 95, or feel free to ask your question