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"No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten"

Dear colleagues, partners and friends!

Victory Day, May 9, is one of the most significant holidays for Russia. On this date, the country and the world celebrate the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War and the feat of millions of people who gave their lives for freedom.

Victory Day is a symbol of courage, dedication and unshakable strength of our people. This day reminds us of the importance of appreciating the peace and freedom that our ancestors fought for. On this Great Holiday, we want to express our deep gratitude to all veterans of the Great Patriotic War for their feat and incredible contribution to the victory over fascism.

Decades pass, generations change, but the Great Victory, as a symbol of national pride, military glory and valor of the entire people, remains in our hearts. May this day be filled with pride for our past and hope for a bright future. We honor and remember all those thanks to whom we can work calmly, enjoy life and raise our children! DAS GLOBAL LOGISTIC company congratulates you and your loved ones on Victory Day! May this bright holiday fill your life with joy, pride and faith in the best.

Happy holiday!

Your Victory is in our hearts!

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